首页> 中文期刊>通化师范学院学报 >宋代仿古玉器与清代仿古玉器造型纹样的异同




In the Chinese history, Song and Qing Dynasty is two periods of peaks for the appearance of antique jade article. Similarly is the antique jade, there exists many differences between Song Dynasty antique jade article and Qing Dynasty antique jade article in the social background, the type, the imitation periods, the imitation category, the modeling and dermatoglyphie pattern, the craft and artistic quality, especially in modeling and dermatoglyphic pattern as well as artistic quality, between the two exist massive dissimilarity, at the same time, in the artistic style characteristic, the charaeteristics of times and the tendency of theme, the jade article manifests the similarity.%宋、清两代是中国历史上仿古玉器出现的最高峰时期,同样为仿古玉,宋仿古与清仿古在社会背景、种类、仿刺年代、仿制类别、造型纹样、工艺及艺术性上存在诸多不同,尤其在造型纹样及艺术性上,两者在存在大量相异性的同时,在艺术风格特征、仿青铜玉器所体现的时代特点以及题材的趋向性上却体现出相同之处。



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