首页> 中文期刊>通化师范学院学报 >建构“中国文学本位”的文学史著述和研究新范式




The teaching materials of China ancient literature are various, and research results are also immense. But one question is ancient literature teaching materials and research follow western literary paradigm. Thus it inevitably implies a major defect: the variety of Chinese classical literature and multi-ethnic variety are obscured, killed and abandoned by western literature idea. Many literary phenomena are not get due attention and research. Teaching materials writing history and literature research history prove that the western literary paradigm is not suitable for Chinese ancient literature history. To make Chinese ancient literature teaching and research in line with China's actual situation, it is necessary to cast off the bondage of western literary paradigm, and to build a new pattern of "Chinese literature standard".%中国古代文学著述多种多样,研究成果也汗牛充栋。但是一个不可忽视的问题是,古代文学的著述和研究基本是以西方文学范式进行的,这样就不可避免地隐含了一个重大缺欠:中国古典文学文体的多样性、民族文学的多样性等特质被西方文学观念的单一性给宰割、遮蔽和抛弃了,许许多多的文学现象并没有获得应有的重视和研究。教材的编写史和文学研究史证明,西方文学范式并不完全适合中国古代文学史的实际。要使中国古代文学的著述和研究符合中国的实际状况,就要摆脱西方文学范式的束缚,建构“中国文学本位”的新范式。



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