首页> 中文期刊>通化师范学院学报 >高句丽墓室壁画中的装饰图案及其对现代设计的影响




Decorative patterns in murals of Gaogouli coffin chamber had distinctive features in the field of tradi-tional decorative arts, created aesthetic value and cultural connotation in its constant development and evolution process is the treasures of murals of Gaogouli coffin chamber. As the prominent representa-tive, the lotus pattern confirmed Gaogouli people pursuit of beauty in different periods, it contained all kinds of symbol marks, with outstanding characteristics, making the auspicious meaning deeply root in the hearts of the people. Based on decorative patterns in murals of Gaogouli coffin chamber as the re-search object, analyzing the design types as well as the evolution and characteristics in different peri-ods, thus discussing its influence on modern design.%高句丽墓室壁画装饰图案在传统装饰艺术领域中具有鲜明特色,在其不断发展和演变过程中所创造的审美价值和文化内涵也是高句丽墓室壁画中的瑰宝。莲花纹作为突出的代表,它印证了不同时期高句丽人对美的追求,它所包含的各种象征符号、吉祥寓意深入人心,具有鲜明的特色。以高句丽墓室壁画中装饰图案作为研究对象,分析了图案种类以及不同时期的特征与演化,在此基础上探析其对现代设计的影响。



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