首页> 中文期刊>天津大学学报(社会科学版) >中西公益广告交际语中的价值取向及跨文化比较




公益广告不以商品推广为目的,而是肩负着呼唤公众意识,弘扬公序良俗的社会使命,并因此而承载了更加丰富的民族文化内涵。中西方语言文化在高低语境、文化维度、价值取向等方面的异同直接影响了以中英语言为载体的公益广告的内容设计和理念传达方式。中西公益广告虽然不乏强调责任感、道德性和人本主义等某些共性内容,但更多则体现为异性文化特征。中国公益广告普遍渗透着集体主义、过去时间取向、重视做人、与自然和睦相处、间接交流等特点;而英语广告则相对具有个人主义、未来时间取向、重视行动、征服自然、直接交流等特点。就跨文化交际的角度讲,中西公益广告信息传递与争取认同的成功,在很大程度上便取决于中西文化因素的有效调动与参与。%Public service advertising( PSA) is a special type of advertising whose main purpose is to promote public aware-ness other than for commerce. For this sake, PSAs always contain abundant ethnic cultural property. Based on modern cul-tural theories such as Florence Kluckhohn and Fred Strodtbeck’ s value orientations, Geert Hofstede’ s value dimensions and Edward Hall’ s high and low context orientations, the authors of this article do a comparative study of Chinese and Western PSAs from intercultural perspective so as to find the similarities and differences between them. The authors find that Chinese PSAs reflect these value orientations and opinions: harmony with nature, past-orientation, being orientation, collectivism and implication, while Western PSAs reflect mastery of nature, future orientation, doing orientation, individu-alism and directness. From both of them, the senses of responsibility, morality and human-centeredness have been found. To a large extent, the successful communication of Chinese and Western PSAs depends on the effective participation of cul-tural factors.



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