首页> 中文期刊> 《技术经济与管理研究》 >高校教师工作绩效的影响因素研究




The performance of university teachers is an important manifestation of the results of teaching and research activities, and a direct reflection of the level of their teaching and research capacity, so focusing on the impact factors of college teachers' job performance has great significance. The relevant researches about the university teachers' performance factors is extensively single and is lack of a comprehensive analysis of multiple affect sources. From the aspects of individual teachers, work, university and society, the paper summarizes the main factors affecting job performance of university teachers on the basis of 288 valid questionnaires from university teachers by factor analysis, and uses multiple regression analysis to determine the degree of influence of various factors. The results show that the main factors affecting the job performance of university teachers are the positive mental ability of individual teachers , the university system and external resources, leadership and team support, material and spiritual motivation, individual knowledge and skills and teachers' organizational commitment. Systems and external resources, the positive mental ability and leadership and team support have the most significant positive effect on the performance of research and teaching. The effect of material and spiritual motivation , self-knowledge and skills on the results of the research performance is not significant, but it has a significant positive effect on the teaching performance. Teachers' organizational commitment has minimal impact and it has a negative impact on scientific performance and a positive impact on teaching performance.%高校教师工作绩效是直接反映其教学水平和科研能力的高低,因此关注高校教师工作绩效的影响因素具有重要意义。已有研究对于高校教师工作绩效影响因素的选择过于单一,缺乏多个层面影响源的综合分析。文章从教师个体、工作、高校及社会等层面出发,依据288份来自高校教师的有效问卷,通过因子分析法归纳影响高校教师工作绩效的主要因素,并运用多元回归分析判别诸因素的影响程度。研究结果发现:影响高校教师工作绩效的主要因素是教师个体的积极心理能力、高校的制度及外部资源、领导及团队支持、物质与精神激励、个体知识与技能和教师组织承诺;其中制度及外部资源、积极心理能力和领导及团队支持对科研绩效和教学绩效的正向影响效果最为明显;物质与精神激励、个体知识与技能对科研绩效的影响效果不显著,但对教学绩效具有显著的正向作用;教师组织承诺影响效果最小,且对科研绩效具有负向影响,对教学绩效具有正向影响。



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