首页> 中文期刊>青岛大学师范学院学报 >地方院校面向岗位需求的金融人才培养研究




One of the basic functions in local institutions is to serve the local economy. Although having a large economy volume,Shandong province,whose financial development is lagging behind. Local Institutions in Shandong province has a great task which is to train the personnel needed for the financial sector reform. After the research of the demand situation of financial professionals ,we found out that Shandong Province has a great demand for application-oriented financial professionals. Through an analysis of the finance major of a certain college in Shandong Province ,we found out that there are many problems in the cultivating process of these students who would be the future financial professionals,affecting the quality of graduates evaluation. Local institutions should base on the demand of the job to build an application-oriented training system for the financial professionals,cultivate high quality application-oriented talents,in order to meet the demand of the financial professionals in the certain field.%服务地方经济是地方院校的基本职能之一。作为经济大省,山东省金融发展却相对滞后,亟需培养金融业改革所需人才。分析山东省某高校金融学专业发现,地方高校在金融人才培养过程中存在诸多问题,影响到毕业生质量评价。地方院校应根据岗位需要,构建应用型金融人才培养系统,培养出高质量应用型人才,满足金融人才市场的需求。



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