首页> 中文期刊>苏州科技学院学报(社会科学版) >复合型党群关系:“过渡型社区”党群关系的实现形态*--兼论“过渡型社区”党组织转型的内在机理




与群众构建良性互动关系是党的基层组织社会整合功能有效发挥的前提。作为在社会转型背景下快速生成的空间结构形态,“过渡型社区”是以社区群众生存状态多样化为其显著特征的。这就要求“过渡型社区”基层党组织在构建与社区群众的有机互动中必须改变传统单一型关系模式,转为复合型党群关系。由于党组织在构建社会转型前的社会结构并与之互动中形成了稳定的组织“惯习”,因此只有加快“过渡型社区”基层党组织的转型才能打造复合型党群关系。%The construction of benign interactions between the Party and the people is the premise for community-level Party organizations to play an effective social role of integration.As a form of space structure quickly generated under the background of social transformation,“transitional community"is characterized by diversified forms of community masses’presence.This requires community-level Party organizations to transform from the simple tradi-tional linear relationship to a compound one when interacting with the general public.When constructing the social structure before social transformation and interacting with it,the Party has formed stable organizational“habits". Therefore,only by speeding up the transformation of community-level Party organizations of“transitional communi-ty"can a compound relationship between the Party and the general public be created.



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