首页> 中文期刊>苏州科技学院学报(社会科学版) >陆游咏梅词的现代传承与接受*--以瞿秋白为中心兼与毛泽东的比较研究




OdetothePlumBlossom by Lu You(1125-1210)exercises a great influence on the following generations, and an endless stream of poets compose poems according to its rhyme and pattern,the most famous two of which are the two ci-poems with the same title written by Qu Qiubai(1899-1935)and Mao Zedong(1893-1976),two lead-ing figures of the Communist Party of China.The three odes are closely connected,but they each possess their re-spective unique charm.Lu loved composing ci-poems about plum blossoms all his life.He regarded plum blossoms as his friends,used them to stave off sorrows and inspire himself.Qu expressed his emotions through describing concrete obj ects and took advantage of plum blossoms,revealing his feelings and optimistic thoughts about the fu-ture.It also tells us that Qu clearly understood life,that he faced the harsh reality calmly,and that he could face death fearlessly while Mao,a great man as well as a great poet,wrote the pride and moral integrity of the new era. The odes by Lu,Qu and Mao demonstrate the modern inheritance and acceptance of the artistic conception and spirit of Chinese classic poetry with Qu’s Ode to the Plum Blossom as a bridge between Lu’s and Mao’s.%陆游的《卜算子·咏梅》影响很大,步韵、唱和者络绎不绝,而最为著名的当属中国共产党两位领袖瞿秋白与毛泽东的同题咏。三首咏梅词,既灵犀相通,又各具神韵。陆游一生爱梅写梅,以梅为友,以梅消愁,以梅励志。瞿秋白托物言志,借梅抒情,真实表达了自己临刑前洞悉人生、视死如归的旷达情怀以及直面现实、憧憬未来的思想境界。毛泽东则以一代伟人与诗人的风范,写出了新时代的傲骨和操守。从陆游到瞿秋白再到毛泽东,体现着古典诗词意境与精神的现代传承与接受。而瞿秋白的咏梅词可谓在陆游词与毛泽东词之间搭起了一座桥梁。



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