首页> 中文期刊> 《苏州教育学院学报》 >苏州城墙春秋时建、战国时重修之文献考释




通过对《春秋经》《左传》记载中的越“入吴”,《国语》记载的“越王勾践”“袭吴”时“入其郛”,《史记》记载的吴国国都“城高以厚”及赵晔《吴越春秋》记载的“子胥…“造筑大城”,《越绝书》记载的“吴大城”,唐代张守节《史记正义》记载的“使子胥筑阖闾城都之,今苏州也”等作文献考释,首先论述苏州城墙春秋时建及在春秋时期的客观存在。接着,又从《越绝书》记载的战国时“春中君所造”之“楚门”,乃系苏州城门中的“破楚门”演变而来;另从唐代张守节《史记正义》中提及黄歇治吴时的水利举措“又大内北渎,四从五横,至今犹存”,分析唐代时犹存的古城“四纵五横”河道体系,系战国黄歇治吴时的遗存。其后,从清代中叶苏州古城“三横四直”的河道体系为唐代演变而来,指出苏州古城在战国时代就已烙上且牵延至清代尚存的这一文化印记,从而印证黄歇治吴时重修苏州城墙的事买。上述文献记载,清晰地表明如下结论:苏州城墙春秋时建及战国时重修。%The paper testifies the existence of the city walls of Suzhou with a series of references, which include "the entry into the walled city" when the Kingdom of Yue under the rule of Goujian conquered the Kingdom of Wu as recorded in Chunqiu Jing, Zuo Zhuan, and Guo Yu. In addition, Shi Ji recorded that "the city walls of Wu was tall and thick", Wuyue Chunqiu written by Zhao Ye showed that "Zixu...built a grand city with walls", Yuejue Shu recorded "the grand walled city of Wu" and Shift Zhengyi written by Zhang Shoujie of the Tang Dynasty recorded that "Zixu built the city of Helv and made it a capital, which is the present city of Suzhou". The paper also proves that the "Gate of Chu built by Prince Chunshen" during the Warring States period as recorded in Yuejue Shu actually evolved from the "Gate of Pochu". The ancient river system existed duirng the Tang Dynasty were actually the relics of Huang Xie's rule of Wu during the Warring States Period because Shift Zhengyi mentioned that Huang Xie's measures of city renovation include "leading the water system inside the city northward and making four vertical and five horizontal rivers, and all the rivers still exist today" during the Tang Dynansty. The river system of ancient Suzhou still existing in the Tang Dynasty evolved into the "three horizontal and four vertial" layout in the mid-Qing Dynasty. The paper sorts out this cultural phenomenon of Suzhou, which started in the Warring States Period and lasted till the Qing Dynasty, and proves the fact that the city walls of Suzhou were renovated during Huang Xie's rule of Wu. All the above-mentioned literature lead to the distinct conclusion that the city walls of Suzhou were constructed during the Spring and Autumn Period and renovated during the Warring States Period.



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