首页> 中文期刊>西南石油大学学报(社会科学版) >土改与乡村权力关系的重塑--以新中国成立初期的四川绵阳专区为例




新中国成立初期的土地改革,从经济上摧毁了旧社会政治关系的基础,颠覆了我国乡村社会传统的政治格局和秩序,对当代中国历史发展产生了深远影响。本文以新中国成立初期(1950—1952年)四川绵阳的史料为基础,借助政治社会学视角研究新中国成立前后的重大历史事件与中国社会变迁,探讨我党确立执政地位的历史逻辑。新中国成立初期,我党通过政治动员,成功地让农民形成了具有明确指向的阶级意识,积极投身到群众运动之中。同时,“公审斗争”和“没收赔罚”彻底摧毁了地主的权威,农民由此掌握乡村的话语权,成为政治活动的主体。我党通过干部整训,着力培育造就新的基层执政者,实现了乡村权力关系的重塑。%Land reform in the time when PRC was founded destroyed the foundation of political relations in the old days in terms of economy,subverted the traditional political structure and order of Chinese society in rural areas and had a profound impact on the development of contemporary Chinese history. According to the historical data of Mianyang in the early years of PRC,this paper explores the important historical events and social changes in China before and after the founding of PRC by means of political sociology studies and explores the historical logic of establishing the ruling position of CCP (Chinese Communist Party). In the early years of PRC,through political mobilization,CCP successfully made the farmers form a clearly oriented class consciousness and take active part in the mass movement. Meanwhile,“public trial and denouncement”and the“forfeiture,punishment and compensation”completely destroyed the authority of the landlords,and farmers began to have a say and to take active part in political activities. By undertaking cadres training,CCP strived to cultivate new grass-root rulers in the countryside and successfully remodeled rural power relations.



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