首页> 中文期刊>南方医科大学学报 >低出生体质量儿先天性心脏病非体外循环手术的麻醉处理




目的:总结53例低出生体质量新生儿及早产儿先天性心脏病外科手术的麻醉管理,并探讨其围术期的危险因素。方法2003年6月~2013年7月共在非体外循环下完成53例低出生体质量儿先天性心脏病手术,其中49例为早产儿。本组病例孕周26~40周(30.96±3.09)周,出生体质量640~2460(1429.90±455.08)g。手术时日龄4~87(32.81±20.76)d;手术时体质量650~2460(1750.20±481.59)g。所有患儿均在全身麻醉下完成先心病非体外循环矫治手术。根据血气分析结果对呼吸参数、患儿体内酸碱平衡及电解质进行调整,应用血管活性药物控制血压并维持术后血流动力学稳定,术后持续机械通气,置暖箱保温。结果本组病例中有47例为PDA结扎术,其中有1例未行手术即发生心跳骤停,未能心肺复苏;1例由于术前诊断有误,术中经食管超声诊断后修正诊断为主动脉瓣及升主动脉重度发育不良,不能行PDA结扎术,放弃治疗;2例COA矫治术,其中1例于手术中发生心跳骤停,术中死亡;2例为PDA结扎同期COA矫治术;其余2例为紫绀型先天性心脏病,分别行A-P分流术+Broch术和B-T分流术。本组病例术中死亡2例,死亡率3.77%,术后早期死亡(72 h内)1例,总死亡率5.66%。结论低出生体质量儿可实施早期非体外循环下先心病手术;良好的麻醉管理有助于降低围术期的死亡率和并发症发生率,并提高术后生存率。%Objective To summarize anesthetic management of low birth weight infants undergoing surgical intervention of congenital heart disease without cardiopulmonary bypass. Methods Fifty-three low birth weight infants (including 49 premature infants) with congenital heart disease underwent surgical treatment without cardiopulmonary bypass during the period from June, 2003 to July, 2013. The mean gestational age of the infants was 30.96±3.09 weeks (26-40 weeks) with a mean age on the operation day of 32.81 ± 20.76 days (4-87 days), birth weight of 1429.90 ± 455.08 g (640-2460 g), and weight on the operation day of 1750.20±481.59 g (650-2460 g). All the infants underwent cardiac operations without cardiopulmonary bypass under general anesthesia. The respiratory parameters and acid-base and electrolyte balance were adjusted according to blood gas analysis. The inotropic drug was used to maintain the hemodynamic stability. Results Forty-seven of the infants received patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) ligation. Of these infants, 1 had cardiac arrest before the operation with failed cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and in another case, PDA ligation was aborted due to severe hypoplasia of the aortic valve and ascending aorta found intraoperatively by transesophageal echocardiography. Two infants underwent coarctation of the aorta (CoA), and 1 of them died during the operation due to cardiac arrest. The total mortality of these infants was 3.77%and the early postoperative mortality (<72 h) was 5.66%. Conclusion Non-cardiopulmonary bypass surgery can be performed in low birth weight infants in early stage, and effective anesthetic management can reduce the perioperative mortality and improve the postoperative survival rate.



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