首页> 中文期刊>华南理工大学学报(自然科学版) >一个模块化机器人平台的设计




为了解决传统机器人针对具体任务设计、柔性不高、容错能力和自修复能力差的问题,并降低机器人在各应用领域的使用成本,设计了一个模块化的机器人平台.文中首先介绍了模块化机器人平台整体设计,接着给出了模块化机器人平台硬件系统和软件系统的设计方法及具体实现细节,最后使用该模块化平台搭建了工业操作臂、轮式移动机器人、双足步行机器人、爬壁机器人以及爬杆机器人,并对这些机器人系统进行了仿真和实验.实验结果证明了该模块化设计方法的可行性和优越性.%In order to overcome such shortcoming as low flexibility, poor fault tolerance, poor self-repairing ability as shown in bask-based design of traditional robots, and to reduce the use cost of robots, a modular robot platform is designed. In the investigation, first, the overall design of the modular platform is presented. Then, the design principles and implementations of the hardware and the software of the platform are introduced. Finally, five robots, namely a manipulator, a wheeled mobile robot, a biped walking robot, a wall-climbing robot and a treeclimbing robot, are built for the proposed platform, for which some simulations and experiments are performed. Experimental results show that the proposed modular design method is feasible with high performance.



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