首页> 中文期刊>华南农业大学学报(社会科学版) >社会网络、身份认同与新生代农民工的心理危机




通过对福建、湖南与贵州三省1735名新生代农民工的抽样问卷调查数据分析发现:滋生自杀意念是新生代农民工心理危机的重要表现,而先赋性社会网络与自致性社会网络能有效降低新生代农民工生活中面临的"扭力",为其遏制自杀意念进而防止自杀行为提供双重保护;而新生代农民工市民化进程的"滞后性"与对市民身份认同的"超前性"之间的结构性张力对其自杀意念施加显著的正向影响,且身份认同对新生代农民工社会网络与自杀意念之间的负向影响起着路径截然相反的调节作用.因此,引导新生代农民工实现社会网络结构从"先赋性社会网络"到"自致性社会网络"的转换,并通过加快新生代农民工的市民化进程与其市民身份认同的"同步性",消除两者之间的结构性张力,是有效遏制其滋生自杀意念的重要途径.%Based on the survey data of 1735 new generation migrant workers in Fujian,Hunan and Guizhou provinces,this study shows that the suicide idea is an important manifestation of their psycholog-ical crisis,while the ascription of social network and acquired social network can effectively reduce the" torsion" of which they faced in lives,thus provide double protections against the suicidal ideation and suicidal behaviors.The structural tension between the"lagging behind"of the urbanization process and the" advanced" identity of the citizenship exerts a significant positive influence on their suicidal ideation,and the identity plays an entirely opposite regulatory role on the negative relationship between social net-works and suicidal ideation.Therefore,to guide migrant workers to realize the transformation of their so-cial network structure from the " ascription social network" to the " acquired social network",and to ac-celerate the urbanization process in accordance with their citizen identity so as to eliminate the structural tension,is an effective way to curb the growth of suicidal ideas.



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