首页> 中文期刊> 《佳木斯大学社会科学学报》 >由《宠儿》解读莫里森笔下的黑人男女关系




托尼·莫里森的小说《宠儿》曾被部分评论家指责为是对黑人男性的污蔑。实际上,莫里森关注黑人男女关系,她理解和同情黑人男性在美国社会中的特殊处境,她的小说既揭示了黑人男性在白人男权观念影响下的弊病,也赋予了他们自我拯救与帮助他人的潜能。本文结合对小说《宠儿》中塞丝和保罗曲折爱情故事的分析,解读莫里森笔下的黑人男女关系,强调两性间和谐关系对黑人社区延续发展的重要性。%Some critics declare that Toni Morrison' s Beloved is marred by a black feminist slant that vilifies black men. In fact, Morrison attaches importance to the black cross - gender relationship, she understands the peculiar situation of black men in American society. Morrison reveals black men' s problems under the influence of white people' s patriarchy, but also endows them with the potential to save themselves and help others. Based on an analysis of the love story between Sethe and Paul D in Beloved, this paper provides an interpretation of Toni Morrison' s exploration of the black cross - gender relationship and highlights the importance of a harmonious relationship between the two sexes in the survival and development of the black community.



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