首页> 中文期刊>哈尔滨师范大学社会科学学报 >“历史的欧几里得几何学”与“历史的种族中心主义”--介评鲍德里亚对历史唯物主义的诘难




鲍德里亚认为,历史唯物主义立基于“生产主义”逻辑,它假定劳动、生产等一些哲学公设,创造出生产力等一系列推衍性范畴,进而推衍出整个历史唯物主义框架,故而是“历史的欧几里得几何学”;他还认为,历史唯物主义将对当下社会的历史认知“套用”到对原始社会的认知中,就好像将“人体解剖”的理论应用于“猴体解剖”,是一种“历史的种族中心主义”。这些指责有失偏颇,其一,劳动、生产等范畴历来是政治经济学研究的核心范畴,而不是黑格尔式理性主义的经济学公设;其二,鲍氏指责马克思用“人体解剖”代替“猴体解剖”,而他自己却反过来用后者代替前者,是典型的“历史的返古主义”;其三,鲍氏之诘难并非新鲜理论,不过是波普“历史决定论的贫困”的理论翻版而已。%Baudrillard insists that historical materialism is a kind of “Euclidean geometry of history” becauseit is based on a logic of ptoduction, for example, it assumes that labor and prodution are philosophy axi -oms and assumes that some category of reasoning like productivity are philosophy axioms , and then deduce thewhole framework of itself, at the same time, he insist that it apply some includes about present society to prim -itive society, that is a kind of ethnocentrism of history just like appling the knowledge of anatomy of human be -ings to anatomy of monkey.In fact, Baudrillard’s conclusions are suspicious. Firstly, labor, production andother categories has always been the core of political economics rather than some philosophy axioms comingfrom the rationalism of Hegel.Secondly,regarding historical materialism as a kind of history of ethnocentrismactually tell us that Baudrillard inclines to a kind of back -to -ancient.Thirdly, all the conclusions of Baudrillardare not fresh, but a version of theory of historical determinism from Karl Popper .



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