首页> 中文期刊>哈尔滨师范大学社会科学学报 >从违宪成本看当代中国宪法实施的突破口




in recent years, along with China’ s political and legal system gradually perfect , the stability of the whole society has been effectively improved.But in terms of the present stage,because our country there are still many imperfections in the constitution , combined with the related political body exist larger devi-ations in understanding the contents of the constitution, the unconstitutional ACTS happened frequency increa-ses year by year.In order to make the stipulation and implementation of the constitution to be more perfect, in this paper, from the perspective of unconstitutional cost, through unconstitutional and cost, the article briefly expounds the concept and contents of unconstitutional by the dominant unconstitutional cost and recessive cost of unconstitutional launched a specific research, in order to accurately find the breakthrough point to improve and implement in our constitution.%近年来,随着我国政治和法律体系的逐步完善,整个社会的稳定性得到了有效提高。但就现阶段而言,由于我国宪法中仍存在诸多不完善之处,加之相关政治体对宪法内容的认识存在较大偏差,使得违宪行为发生的频率逐年增加。从违宪成本的角度出发,简述违宪和违宪成本的概念和内容,具体研究显性违宪成本与隐性违宪成本,有助于准确地找到我国宪法完善和实施的突破口。



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