首页> 中文期刊>上海大学学报(社会科学版) >重大革命和重大历史题材电影创作的历史、现状及问题




在中国当代电影创作、生产中,重大革命和重大历史题材影片数量相当可观,影响巨大。作为重构历史的创作范式,重大革命和重大历史题材创作在新时期应运而生,不断发展,与30余年来中国现实政治、历史记忆与国家体认有着殊为密切的关联性,其对民族史的挖掘与呈献,时或充当中华民族共同体想象的载体,时或强化着主流意识形态整合功能。在当下媒介融合、市场化快速崛起的受众时代,以政治正确缝合主流意识形态与商业价值,已远远不能解答革命话语在公众视野中的淡薄乃至消失的现象。解决重大历史题材及其包含的革命话语的转型问题,还需要融入现代性的建构与反思,有待汲取有益于历史理性与普适存在的信心和信念。%During the process of contemporary Chinese film creation and production,the number of films with themes of significant revolutions and historical events is considerable and their influence is enormous.As a paradigm of reconstructing history,creations of films featuring significant revolutions and historical events e-merge and boom in response to the new period,which have been closely related to and of great importance in China’s realistic politics,historical memories and national recognition over the past 30 years.Those films, through excavation and presentation of an important page in Chinese national history,at times appear as the carrier of shared imagination of Chinese nation,and at other times enhance the mainstream ideology.However, in the current audience-dominated era featuring media integration and rising marketization,it is far from enough to take account of such factors as correct political stand,mainstream ideology and commercial value to prevent revolutionary language from elapsing or vanishing from the public view.To tackle the transitional problem con-fronted by significant historical themes and their revolutionary language,we must add modernity construction and introspection while absorbing confidence and belief conducive to historical rationality and universal applica-bility.



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