首页> 中文期刊>上海财经大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >自由意志与“动物精神”:金融本质的原在性背离--金融市场非理性的现象学解读




现代金融的本质是为经济活动构建可行方案,帮助个人或企业实现行动目标。金融具有较高程度的工具理性,其有效性取决于目的是否合理。金融市场的虚拟特性和监管滞后性使自由意志得以张扬,创新更趋主观化;金融市场在获取财富上的高度或然性,是“动物精神”与“非理性繁荣”互构的基础。被贪欲所主宰的自由意志和“动物精神”反映了人们出自本能的贪得无厌,缺乏企业家精神和契约精神所倡导的自由、平等、守信的社会品格,导致金融创新和金融活动的极端狭隘,背离了金融的原在性本质,导致市场非理性。%The essence of modern finance is to build a feasible scheme for economic activities and help individuals or enterprises to achieve action goals .Finance has a high degree of instru‐mental rationality and its effectiveness depends on reasonable purpose .Virtual characteristics and regulatory lag of financial markets make free will expand and innovation more subjective .High probability of financial markets in the acquisition of wealth is the basis of mutual construction by the“animal spirits” and “irrational exuberance”.Free will and “animal spirits” dominated by greed reflect the instinctive greed of people ,and lack social characters of freedom ,equality and trustworthiness advocated by the spirits of entrepreneurship and contracts ,leads to extremely narrow financial innovation & financial activities ,and deviates from the nature of finance ,there‐by resulting in irrational market .



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