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Free Will and the Brain Disease Model of Addiction: The Not So Seductive Allure of Neuroscience and Its Modest Impact on the Attribution of Free Will to People with an Addiction




Free will has been the object of debate in the context of addiction given that addiction could compromise an individual's ability to choose freely between alternative courses of action. Proponents of the brain-disease model of addiction have argued that a neuroscience perspective on addiction reduces the attribution of free will because it relocates the cause of the disorder to the brain rather than to the person, thereby diminishing the blame attributed to the person with an addiction. Others have worried that such displacement of free will attribution would make the person with a drug addiction less responsible. Using the paradigmatic literature on the seductive allure of neuroscience explanations, we tested whether neuroscience information diminishes attributions of free will in the context of addiction and whether respondent characteristics influence these attributions and modulate the effect of neuroscience information. We performed a large-scale, web-based experiment with 2,378 German participants to explore how attributions of free will in the context of addiction to either alcohol or cocaine are affected by: (1) a text with a neurobiological explanation of addiction, (2) a neuroimage showing effects of addiction on the brain, and (3) a combination of a text and a neuroimage, in comparison to a control group that received no information. Belief in free will was measured using the FAD-Plus scale and was, subsequent to factor analysis, separated into two factors: responsibility and volition. The investigated respondent characteristics included gender, age, education, self-reported knowledge of neuroscience, substance-use disorder (SUD), and having a friend with SUD. We found that attributions of volition (in the cocaine-subsample) were reduced in the text and neuroimage-treatment compared to the control group. However, respondent characteristics such as education and self-reported knowledge of neuroscience were associated with lower attributions of responsibility for both substances, and education was associated with lower attribution of volition for the alcohol sub-sample. Interaction analyses showed that knowledge of neuroscience was found to generally decrease attribution of responsibility. Further research on attribution of free will should consider the effects of context and respondent characteristics, which appeared surprisingly larger than those induced by experimental treatments.
机译:鉴于成瘾可能损害个人在其他行动方式之间自由选择的能力,因此在成瘾的背景下,自由意志一直是辩论的对象。大脑成瘾模型的支持者认为,关于成瘾的神经科学观点减少了自由意志的归属,因为它将疾病的原因重新定位到大脑而非人身上,从而减少了归因于成瘾者的责任。瘾。其他人担心,这种自由意志归属的转移会使吸毒者的责任感降低。使用关于神经科学解释的诱人诱惑力的范式文献,我们测试了在成瘾的背景下神经科学信息是否会减少自由意志的归属,以及响应者特征是否会影响这些归属并调节神经科学信息的作用。我们对2378名德国参与者进行了大规模的基于网络的实验,以探讨在酗酒或可卡因成瘾的情况下自由意志的归属如何受到以下因素的影响:(1)带有成瘾的神经生物学解释的文本,(2 )显示成瘾对大脑的影响的神经图像,以及(3)与未接收到信息的对照组相比,文本和神经图像的组合。使用FAD-Plus量表衡量对自由意志的信任,在进行因素分析后,将其分为两个因素:责任感和意志力。被调查者的特征包括性别,年龄,文化程度,自我报告的神经科学知识,物质使用障碍(SUD)以及与SUD有朋友。我们发现,与对照组相比,文本和神经图像处理中的可归因属性(在可卡因子样本中)减少了。然而,诸如教育和自我报告的神经科学知识等受访者特征与这两种物质的责任归因较低有关,而教育与酒精子样本的意志归因较低有关。相互作用分析表明,发现神经科学知识通常可以减少责任归因。关于自由归因的进一步研究应考虑情境和应答者特征的影响,这似乎比实验方法所诱导的要大。



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