首页> 中文期刊>上海交通大学学报(农业科学版) >彩色马蹄莲开花过程中种球营养物质和内源激素含量变化分析




Calla lily (Zantedeschia hybrid) 'Picasso' was used as the experimental material to study the change of protein, carbohydrate and endogenous hormones contents in tubers during growth period. The results showed that protein and starch contents were declined rapidly from planting to flowering and recovered after the blossom. Soluble sugar content was kept at higher level during blossom and then dropped. The activity of cramylase affected the starch content. The content of starch was lower while the activity of this enzyme was higher. The starch content increased speedily with the decrease of α-amylase after flowering. The endogenous hormones were changed in various ways during the different growth phase. The content of IAA was higher at vegetative growth phase and full-blooming stage. ZA level was kept at higher level from planting to post flowering and then dropped at the end of blossom. This situation was helpful for flowering and tuber enlargement. GA content was higher during flowering and then decreased. This was benefit to tubers expansion and dormancy. ABA content declined slowly in the beginning 90 days of growing period and increased gradually after the flowers faded.%以彩色马蹄莲品种“Picasso”种球为试验材料,研究其开花过程中种球营养物质和内源激素含量变化.结果表明:从种植到开花,种球中蛋白质和淀粉的含量迅速下降,开花后含量回升;而可溶性总糖在开花阶段处于较高值,开花后下降;淀粉酶活性较高时,淀粉含量较低,开花后淀粉酶活性明显降低,而此时种球内淀粉含量迅速升高.各激素含量在种植的不同阶段出现不同的变化趋势,IAA含量在营养生长期和盛花期较高;ZR含量在种植至开花,一直处于较高值,有利于种球开花,开花后ZR含量降低;GA在开花期间含量较高,而开花后GA含量不断下降,促进种球膨大和休眠;ABA含量在前90 d缓慢下降,进入开花后期含量缓慢上升.



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