首页> 中文期刊> 《山东理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 >构建尼特族职业生涯转换的社会支持体系




随着人口老龄化的加剧、人口红利的消退、少子化的萌芽以及家庭结构和功能的缩小,我国尼特族问题逐渐膨胀。构建尼特族的社会支持体系不仅是人道主义关怀,也是家庭、社会等各方面协调发展的要求。由于对尼特族的政策支持并未进入实际的政府议程,尼特族的职业理想与现实差距较大以及传统文化和价值观的影响,尼特族职业生涯转换遇到困难。积极构建尼特族职业生涯转换的社会支持体系需要政府、教育界和共青团组织等社会各界的共同努力。%In our country, with the sharpening aging population, vanishing demographic dividend, bur- geoning baby bust and the narrowing down of family structure and function, NEET problem is gradually swell- ing. The construction of a NEET social support system is not only the humanitarian concern but also the re- quirements of harmonious development of family and society. As policy support for NEET hasn' t been includ- ed in the actual governmental agenda, there exists a wide gap between their career goals and the reality, and under the influence of traditional culture and value, NEET meet problems in their career transition. The active construction of social support system for NEET career transition still needs the joint endeavors of the government, educational circles, communist youth league organization and all other sectors of the society.



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