首页> 中文期刊>山东理工大学学报(自然科学版) >一种面向车辆闯黄灯和处理两难区问题的控制策略




为降低交叉口车辆闯黄灯和陷入两难区事件的发生,设计了车载预警控制和黄灯控制策略,对制动距离、剩余绿灯时间以及黄灯时间进行数学建模分析。在车载预警控制方面,对车辆是否将要闯黄灯进行实时监控和预警;在黄灯控制方面,进行黄灯合理时间设定和黄灯延时控制。该策略可有效降低交叉口车辆闯黄灯和陷入两难区事件发生的概率,减少车辆交叉口交通事故,缓解道路拥堵情况。%In order to reduce the incidence of vehicles running amber lights and being involved in the dilemma zone events at intersection ,a control strategy of vehicle early warning and amber signal control was designed .The mathematical modeling and the theoretical analysis were carried out in the matter of braking distance and remaining green time and amber time .First of all ,if ve-hicles would be running amber lights ,it would conduct real-time monitoring and early warning in terms of vehicle early warning control .In addition ,it could conduct armber light reasonable time setting and armber light time delay control in terms of armber signal control .The strategy could effectively reduce the traffic accidents and relieve the situation of the road congestion at intersec-tion .



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