首页> 中文期刊> 《山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 >张养浩《三事忠告》的现代价值




Collective title for Advice on Governance of the PeoPle( Mumin zhonggao),Advice on Law and DisciPline( Fengxian zhonggao ),and Advice on Management of Affairs at Court( Miaotang zhonggao ) written by zhang Yanghao,the famous scholar in the Yuan dynasty,Advice on Three AsPects of Administra_tion( Sanshi zhonggao)is,in history,a celebrated book of mottoes for government officials to follow• Ad_vice on Management of Affairs at Court is the policy proposals put forward by him for high officials at the imperial court,and a sum_up of his political experience in handling official affairs while he was Minister of Rites and held concurrently office in the Secretariat,reflecting the breadth of his vision by keeping the whole world in mind;and Advice on Law and DisciPline contains his requirements for impeachment,main_tenance of order,and other routine work of the supervisory officials,incarnating his spirit of law enforce_ment for public justice;whereas Advice on Governance of the PeoPle is the policy proposals suggested by him for local county chief executives and magistrates,and expounded his idea of administration of govern_ment affairs,overflowing with his diligence in government work and his love for the people• Advice on Three AsPects of Administration gives expression to his profound cultural accomplishments,his loyalty to duty and forthrightness in opinion in“serving the monarchy and bringing benefit to the people”• All this embodies zhang’s life_long pursuit of the ideal of a great order across the land,and he did at the same time proposed viable methods for the realization of the ideal of his as well• Therefore Advice on Three As_Pects of Administration still bears its modern values worthy of reference though seven hundred years have now elapsed since its first appearance•%《三事忠告》是中国历史上著名的官箴书,是元代名儒张养浩所著《牧民忠告》《风宪忠告》《庙堂忠告》的合称。《庙堂忠告》是张养浩为身居庙堂之高的显官们提供的施政建议,也是对自己担任礼部尚书兼参中书省事期间从政经验的总结,体现了心系天下的情怀;《风宪忠告》是张养浩针对监察官员弹劾、纠察等日常工作提出的要求,体现了执法为公的精神;《牧民忠告》是张养浩为地方县级行政长官提出的从政建议,针对地方官员的考核内容,阐述了自己的为政理念,字里行间充溢着勤政爱民的思想。《三事忠告》体现了张养浩深厚的文化素养,“至君泽民”的理想和忠于职守、敢于直言的精神,反映了张养浩一生追求天下大治的理想,并为实现这一理想提出了切实可行的办法。它虽然距今已有700余年,但仍有值得借鉴的现代价值。



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