首页> 中文期刊>山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版) >台湾师范大学藏抄本《五音通韵》校考*




台湾师范大学藏抄本《五音通韵》与日本庆应义塾大学藏韵图韵书配合本《五音通韵》之等韵图具有很高的相似性,需要校勘补订。就比勘情况来看,台湾藏本应该是抄自日藏全本之等韵图,是赵荫棠先生藏本,二者具有源流关系。它在20世纪40年代作为参考工具书由台湾省国语推行委员会带去台湾,发挥了一定的作用。不过,台藏韵图的具体抄手名姓及收藏时间,却需要借助于其他信息才可能推知。%Of the collection of National Taiwan Normal University Library( NTNU Library),the rhyme-table of the hand -copied version of Thoroughly Understanding the Five Tonal Scales( Wu Yin Tong Yun)is highly similar with that matching another copy of the Book from the collection of Japan Keio Uni-versity Library. Viewed from the comparison between the two,it is clear that the copy from the NTNU Li-brary must be copied from the rhyme-table of Japan collected by Mr. Zhao Yintang,and the two must be of a relation of source and course. And,brought to Taiwan as a reference book by Taiwan Mandarin Commission,1940s,it has played quite a role in mandarin promotion. The copist and the date of copy-ing,however,remain to be inferred with other information.



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