首页> 中文期刊>山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版) >中国古典词在英语世界的接受图谱*




中国古典词在英语世界的译介与传播始于20世纪30年代。伴随着20世纪英美政府对东亚研究的资助及学人在精神上或艺术上的危机,英语世界中国古典词的译介与研究发轫于英国,兴盛于北美,先后经历萌蘖期、勃兴期与深化期。就诠释路径而言,英语世界独特的西方研究理路与学术思潮,规训着现代西方汉学研究者的知识构型;借用西方主流思想与批评方法来重新诠释他者文化的做法,既照亮中国词人词作的新形象、新特点,也启发着国内学者在传统的词学领域开拓新的研究路径。就研究实践而言,部分汉学家通过研究中国词人词作,或应证、或扩大并部分修正了西方主流思想,从而扩展了主流思想的普遍性价值。英语世界汉学家的诠释路径和话语实践,从一个侧面反映出英语世界词学研究与西方主流思想保持的张力关系:既西学中用,又中研西补。%The Western nations’spiritual crisis in 20th Century is one of the reasons for the translation of classical Chinese Tz’u poetry,in the 1930s. Along with U. S. government funding for East Asian Studies and the American artists’desire for innovation in art literature and thought,the study on classical Chi-nese Tz’u poetry in English-speaking world began in the UK,and flourished in North America through the period of germination,of vigorous growth,and of flourishing and deepening. As to its interpretation, since the knowledge configuration of the Western sinologists is disciplined by the unique Western research approaches and academic trends,the way the culture of the other is re-interpreted with the Western ma-instream ideas and critical methods does not only reveal new images and new features of Chinese Tz’u po-etry and its poets,but inspires Chinese scholars to blaze a new trail in the traditional academic field of classical Chinese Tz’u poetry as well. And as to the practice of this research,some sinologists verify,or broaden and revise partly the Western mainstream thoughts through their researches on classical Chinese Tz’u poetry and poets,and thus enlarge their universal value. Thus it can be seen that the way of the in-terpretation and the practical methods employed by the sinologists of the English-speaking world reflect the sustained tension between the research on classical Chinese Tz’u poetry and the mainstream thoughts of the West. That is,the Western theories and methods are to be used in Chinese literary studies while Chinese literary studies are to be complemented the Western theories.



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