


在祛魅的影响下,自然丧失了神秘感和亲和力,不再是人的存在的价值源泉,它作为人类神圣的栖居家园已经全然崩溃。生态美学突破了传统美学以人类自身所创造的价值为合法界限的束缚,将人的审美理想与生态现实统一起来,开启了通往自然之魅的道路。生态审美以“人在世界中存在”的本真生存升华为审美体验的方式,把自然从对象性领域和形而上的束缚中解脱出来,让自然成为自身得以显现的澄明之境。%Under the influence of disenchantment,Nature is no longer a source of man’s existence as a result of its loss of mystique and affinity,and has entirely collapsed as a divine habitat home of the human beings. Breaking through the bondage traditional aesthetics value has created with man himself as the le-gal boundaries,ecological aesthetics has unified the aesthetic ideal and ecological reality,opening the way to the enchantment of Nature. With the genuine existence( egientlich Sein)sublimed into a mode of aesthetic experience of the〝person in the world〝,it sets Nature free from the constraints of the objective world and the metaphysics,allowing Nature to become a clear state in which Nature can manifest itself.



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