首页> 中文期刊> 《陕西广播电视大学学报》 >浅析中国画绘画过程中水元素的运用




China is an ancient country with a history and culture ,in a long time the social development of a se-ries of excellent works of art constitute the entire civilization system .In these outstanding works ,the painting has become an important part of the reflection of the characteristics of the times .Chinese painting ,also known as Chi-nese painting ,in the process of painting ,through the application of relevant skills ,clever expression of the author's feelings .Therefore ,the Chinese painting in the process of painting reflects a kind of emotion .Based on the analysis of the connotation and characteristics of Chinese painting ,this paper focuses on the specific application of water ele-ments in the process of Chinese painting painting .%中国画,也称国画,其在绘画过程中,通过应用相关技巧,巧妙地表达了作者的情感,因此可以说中国画在绘画过程中,实际上反映的是一种情感。本文拟从中国画的内涵特征分析入手,着重探讨中国画绘画过程中水元素的具体运用思路。



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