首页> 中文期刊> 《陕西行政学院学报》 >对打击非法广播电视台的几点思考




一个时期以来,非法广播电视台的涌现,严重干扰了广播电视正常播出秩序。如何加大打击非法广播电视台的管理工作,是目前一项重要的任务。非法广播电视案件存在着发现难、定位难、取证难、查处难问题。打击非法广播电视台应从建立长效工作机制、落实责任、坚持“属地监管”、发挥技术监测监管等方面着手,加快制定我国《广播电视法》、加大打击非法广播电视台违法行为的宣传、加强对打击非法广播电视台工作的组织领导和对非法广播电视台设置规律特点的研究。%The illegal TV stations appear , which interfere normal radio and television broadcasting since a period. It is an impor-tant task how to crack down on management of illegal radio and television stations. There exist some problems that we have some diffi-culty in finding illegal radio and television stations, locating their positions, getting evidence, and investigating the cases. The paper mainly states that we should do the following to guarantee normal TV and radio broadcasting: establishing long-term mechanism, imple-menting the responsibility, adhering to the “territorial supervision”, strengthening monitoring supervision. Meanwhile , it is crucial to ac-celerate the development of China ’s “Radio and Television Law,” to increase publicity against illegal broadcast, strengthen organization-al leadership against illegal radio and television work and study on illegal broadcast characteristics.



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