首页> 中文期刊> 《中国安全生产科学技术》 >基于人因失误分析的医院电气安全管理研究




The hospital is an important usage unit of electric.Which needs higher safety and reliability of power supply.However,the reasons of force majeure,the failure of power supply system,management problems and human errors,there exists the risk for occurrence of various types of electrical emergency.The human error or unsafe behavior factors which led to electrical emergencies has become the main reason of non-medical accidents in hospital.The causes of the human error and mistakes were analyzed from both individuals and organizations.It showed that the human error is caused not only by the individual factors,but also by the impact of the environment,systems and management level.In order to improve the quality of power supply and provide safety power for hospital medical work,based on the human error analysis,the measures that improving the relevant rules and regulations,strengthening education and training to reduce the human error and mistakes were put forward from the aspects of organization and personnel.%医院是重点用电单位,用电的安全性和供电可靠性都比较高,但因不可抗力、供电系统故障、医院管理问题、人为失误等方面的原因,仍存在发生各类电气突发事件的风险.其中,由人的误操作或不安全行为因素而诱发的电气方面的突发事件已成为医院非医疗事故的主要原因.文章针对医院电气安全操作方面的人因失误,从个人和组织两个角度进行了失误原因的分析,认为人的失误既受个体因素的影响,也受环境、制度和管理水平的影响.在此基础上,提出完善相关规章制度建设、加强教育与培训等,从组织制度建设、人员技术素质提高等方面,提出预防与减少人因失误的措施与方法,提高供配电质量,为医院医疗工作提供有效的电气安全后勤保障.



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