首页> 中文期刊>中国安全生产科学技术 >某地铁站突发事件乘客疏散行为分析研究(2)--行为分析




为了掌握突发事件下,乘客疏散行为反应;基于某地铁站突发事件区间隧道乘客紧急疏散事故案例,采用观察分析研究乘客在列车车厢内疏散行为特征、疏散路线规律、车厢内惊慌情绪分布及规律。结果表明:乘客疏散行为呈现波浪规律特征扩散传递;乘客惊慌逃散时呈现同年龄段同性别相互聚集现象;乘客惊慌逃散时呈现羊群效应;乘客惊慌逃散路线呈现圆弧现象;乘客惊慌情绪随着距离事故点的距离增加而减弱,呈负相关。为地铁设计人员、地铁安全评估、仿真模型、疏散应急预案提供数值参考,并对地铁站区间隧道存在的安全疏散问题提出优化建议。%In order to master the evacuation behavior response of passengers in case of emergency, based on an ac-cident case about emergency evacuation of passengers in tunnel of a subway station, through the observation analy-sis, the evacuation behavior characteristics, evacuation route rules, panic mood distribution and rules in train com-partment were studied.It showed that the evacuation behaviors of passengers present the characteristic of wave rule to diffuse and transfer.When the passengers are panic to flee, the phenomenon of crowd gathering with the same age and sex appears, the herd behavior also appears, and the route presents the arc phenomenon.The panic mood of passengers decreases with the increase of distance to the accident site, which shows a negative correlation.It can provide numerical reference for metro design personnel, subway safety evaluation, simulation model, and emergen-cy evacuation plan, and propose the optimization suggestions to the existing safety evaluation problems in tunnel of subway station.



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