首页> 中文期刊>中国安全生产科学技术 >矿工安全注意力影响因素的SEM研究




为探索矿工安全注意力的影响因素作用路径,寻求合理的干预对策,在文献研究和实地调研基础上,提取矿工安全注意力的衡量指标和影响因素,借助结构方程模型技术验证研究假设,构建修正后的矿工安全注意力影响因素作用路径概念模型图.研究表明:矿工安全注意力的影响因素,即矿工安全意识、矿工工作疲劳、安全信息刺激以及安全监管对矿工安全注意力的衡量指标,即注意专注度、注意广度以及注意转移度都存在路径关系,而且矿工安全注意力的衡量指标之间也存在路径关系.以期通过有效干预影响因素提高矿工安全注意力,降低人因失误导致煤矿安全事故发生的概率.%To explore the acting path about the influencing factors of miners' safety attention, and seek the reasonable intervention countermeasures, the measurement indexes and influencing factors of miners' safety attention were extracted based on the literature research and field investigation.The research assumptions were verified by using the structural equation model (SEM) technology, and the revised conceptual model diagram for the acting path about the influencing factors of miners' safety attention was constructed.The results showed that the influencing factors of miners' safety attention, including safety consciousness of miners, work fatigue of miners, safety in|formation stimulation and safety supervision have a path relationship to the measurement indexes of miners' safety attention, including attention concentration degree, attention span and attention transfer degree, and there exists a path relationship among the measurement indexes of miners' safety attention.It is expected to improve the miners' safety attention by intervening the influencing factors effectively, and reduce the occurrence probability of coal mine safety accidents caused by human error.



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