首页> 中文期刊>中国安全生产科学技术 >基于云模型的民用机场消防指挥员决策能力测评研究




为研究民用机场消防指挥员决策能力,考虑测评指标分为定性与定量2类,且指标存在模糊性的特点,建立基于云模型的民用机场消防指挥员决策能力测评方法.根据相关规章规定、专家意见和问卷调查结果,确定测评指标体系,并依据云模型原理建立定性到定量的测评转换模型,将指标的定性测评转化为直观的定量评价;最后,根据云模型的期望、熵、超熵,评价民用机场消防指挥员决策能力水平.研究结果表明:利用基于云模型原理构建的定性与定量测评转换模型进行决策能力测评,所得测评结果能够体现评价指标模糊性和随机性的特点,评估结果更加直观且贴近实际情况.%In order to study the decision-making ability of fire commander in the civil airport,the evaluation indexes were di-vided into two types,namely the qualitative and quantitative indexes. Considering that the indexes have the characteristic of fuzziness,an evaluation method of decision-making ability for the fire commander of civil airport based on the cloud model was established. According to the relevant rules and regulations,experts opinion and questionnaire survey,the evaluation in-dex system was determined,and the evaluation transformation model from qualitative to quantitative was established based on the principle of cloud model,so as to transfer the qualitative evaluation of the indexes to the intuitive quantitative evaluation. Finally,the level of decision-making ability for the fire commander of civil airport was evaluated according to the expectation, entropy and excess entropy of the cloud model. The results showed that when carrying out the decision-making ability evalua-tion by using the evaluation transformation model from qualitative to quantitative based on the principle of cloud model,the e-valuation results could fully reflect the characteristics of fuzziness and randomness of the evaluation indexes,and the evalua-tion results were more intuitive and close to the actual situation.



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