首页> 中文期刊> 《铁道工程学报》 >高速铁路简支梁桥减隔震研究




Research purposes:In recent years,in order to meet the needs of people's transportation,high-speed railway project is booming.Correspondingly,the seismic problem of high-speed railway has attracted more and more scholars' attention.However,the general seismic isolation devices can not meet the strict requirements of high-speed railway seismic safety.Therefore,a new seismic isolation system is proposed for the simple supported girder bridge of high-speed railway under rare earthquake.The dynamic design parameters of the new seismic isolation system are optimized to make the new seismic isolation system better serve the high-speed railway bridges.Research conclusions:(1) In the feasible region of LRB performance parameters,the optimal solution satisfying the constraint condition of the model is obtained.The optimization design improves the control effect of the new isolation system and reduces the production cost.(2)The new seismic isolation system has good control effects on the seismic responses of high speed railway simple supported girder bridge under strong earthquake.The new seismic isolation system can minimize the bending moment at the bottom of the pier on the basis of reducing the longitudinal displacement at the end of the beam and ensuring that the pier does not yield.(3) In the seismic isolation design of high speed railway simple supported girder bridge,the longitudinal displacement at the end of the beam and the shear force of the pier are the main constraint conditions,which play an important role in the selection of the performance optimum parameters of the new seismic isolation system.(4) Using the SQP algorithm to solve the optimal design model established in this paper,the convergence of the optimal solution is fast and stable.(5) The research results can provide a new way of thinking and means for the design and application of the seismic isolation technology for the simple supported bridges of high-speed railways.%研究目的:近年来,为满足人们对交通运输的需求,高速铁路工程事业正蓬勃发展,相应的高速铁路抗震问题也引起越来越多的学者们的关注.但是,一般的减隔震装置难以满足高速铁路地震时行车安全性的严格要求.基于此,本文针对罕遇地震作用下的高速铁路简支梁桥提出一种新型减隔震系统,并对新型减隔震系统的动力设计参数进行优化设计,使其更好地服务于高速铁路桥梁.研究结论:(1)在LRB性能参数的可行域内能够获得满足本文分析模型约束条件的最优解,因此优化设计提高了新型减隔震系统的控制效果,可降低生产成本;(2)新型减隔震系统对强震下高速铁路简支梁桥地震响应具有良好的控制效果,新型减隔震系统可在减少梁端纵向位移、保证桥墩不屈服的基础上,使桥墩底部的弯矩最小化;(3)在高速铁路简支梁桥的减隔震设计中,梁端纵向位移和桥墩剪力是主要约束条件,对新型减隔震系统性能参数最优解的选取起着重要作用;(4)利用SQP算法求解本文建立的优化设计模型,最优解收敛迅速且稳定;(5)该研究结论可为减隔震技术在高速铁路简支桥梁中的设计和应用提供全新的思路与手段.



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