首页> 中文期刊>青海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >新疆哥老会的兴起与杨增新的清剿措施




晚清时期,哥老会随左宗棠西征传入新疆,并由行伍向民间扩散,迅速发展为新疆影响最大的秘密结社组织。新疆哥老会具有与驻军相互粘连的显著特点,因而,内地客勇涌入,实为新疆哥老会势力壮大的主要社会基础。故而,在杨增新看来,内地之湘军与客勇实为新疆哥老会维持生命力之本源。这就导致杨增新一方面主要采取依赖土著武装克制哥老会的清剿政策,以清除哥老会在新疆的流布;一方面则采取“闭关”政策,限制内地人民入关,并化流民为土著,以杜其源头。然而这些政策并非基于区域社会发展之考量,虽然在短时期内造成了新疆哥老会的风云流散,却又加深了族群隔阂,亦未能从根本上消除社会秩序失范的根源。%In the late Qing dynasty ,the Gelaohui accompanied Zuo Zongtang’s expedition army into Xinjiang ,and spread from the ranks to folk .It quickly became the most influential secret organization .In Gelaohui’s development process ,the most remarkable characteristic was the mutual adhesion with Xin‐jiang armies .Large number of soldiers recruited from mainland China got into Xinjiang .That is the main social foundation of Gelaohui’s rising in Xinjiang .Therefore ,in Yang Zengxin’s view ,which maintain the vitality of the Xinjiang’s Gelaohui is the Hunan Army .So Yang Zengxin used the indigenous armies to re‐straint the Gelaohui's policy to suppress .On the other hand ,He take“closed door”policy ,restrictions on mainland people's entry ,and turn the refugee into the aboriginal ,in order to eliminate the source of the Gelaohui .However ,these policies are not based on considerations of regional social development ,al‐though the Gelaohui disappeared within a short period of time ,but also enhance the ethnic estrangement , also failed to fundamentally eliminate the social disorder .



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