首页> 中文期刊>青海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >清代阿克苏-巴楚台路的文献考察研究--兼谈都齐特、伊勒都军台之地望




文章对清代阿克苏—巴尔楚克台路的历史变迁有一定的考述。乾隆二十五年到道光八年此段路程穿行于阿克苏南的绿洲与喀什噶尔河下游的河漫滩间,道光八年以后此段台路调整到旧路的北面,与古丝绸之路中道重合或大体一致。另外,对其中关涉都齐特、伊勒都军台地望也有所考述,认为阿拉尔市三团喀拉库勒遗址为都齐特台所在,阿克苏地区阿瓦提县的依令达塔木古城遗址是伊勒都台所在。%T he essay studied on the literature on the historical changes of road connecting military posts from Akesu to Bachu in the Qing Dynasty .The road had winded between the oasis in the south of Akesu and the lower reaches ofKashgar River from the 25thyear during the Reign of Qianlong to the 8th year dur‐ing the Reign of Daoguang .It was adjusted to the north of the original one after then ,and almost coincided with part of the Silk Road .The essay also paid attention to the geographic positions of military posts of Duqite and Yiledu .It was regarded that the 3rd Regiment in Alar City was the relics of Duqite military post and Ancient Yilingdatamu City in Awati Town in Akesu City the relics of Yiledu military post .



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