首页> 中文期刊>青岛大学学报(自然科学版) >消费者购买银行个人理财产品行为分析——基于多水平logistic模型




以商业银行理财客户购买意愿和购买行为为研究对象,选取了青岛市居民进行问卷设计、问卷调查和数据收集.考虑银行这一层次变量,运用多水平logistic模型来探讨影响居民购买商业银行理财产品购买意愿和购买行为的因素.研究结果表明,青岛市各商业银行间消费者购买银行理财产品的行为确实存在着显著差异,但同一商业银行内部,消费者购买银行个人理财产品的行为存在一定相似性.消费者的购买意愿和行为受个人因素、收入因素、产品认知因素、银行服务因素的影响比较显著.%Taking the intention and purchase behavior of commercial banks' financial customers as the research object,the questionnaire survey,questionnaire survey and data collection of Qingdao residents were selected.Consider the level of the bank variables,the use of multi-level logistic model to explore the impact of residents to buy commercial banks to buy financial products and purchase behavior factors.It is found that there are some significant differences in the behavior of consumers buying and selling financial products between commercial banks in Qingdao,but there are some similarities in the behavior of consumers in the same commercial bank.The purchase intention and behavior of consumers are influenced by personal factors,income factors,product cognition factors and banking service factors.



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