首页> 中文期刊>实用口腔医学杂志 >CCA-ADVS干预法在儿童无痛牙髓治疗中的应用




Eligible 112 children aged 4-12 years old were recruited and assigned to 2 groups with block random design.For the first treatment session,the subjects in group 1 received computer-controlled anaesthesia(CCA) with autiovisual distraction of video-eyewear system(ADVS) intervention based on the routine therapy,those group 2 received only CCA and routine therapy.For the second session,a crossover of intervention methods were conducted for the 2 groups.Before and after each session,pain intensity and dental anxiety of each group were evaluated.Results showed that the group receiving CCA-ADVS presented significantly lower pain intensity and dental anxiety than the group receiving CCA only(P<0.05).Evident differences were detected in the assessment outcomes in each treatment session (P<0.0001).The combination of CCA and ADVS can effectively reduce pain perception and dental anxiety of children in pediatric endodontic treatment.%112名在我科接受牙髓治疗的4~12岁患儿,交叉随机分别接受计算机控制局部麻醉(CCA)配合头戴式影音装置系统转移注意力法(ADVS)或CCA.复诊时2组互换干预方式.就诊前后对患儿的疼痛、焦虑水平进行评价.结果显示接受CCA-ADVS干预的患儿的疼痛焦虑水平均显著低于同期CCA对照得分(P<0.05),不同时间点得分有统计学差异(P <0.000 1).提示CCA-ADVS干预法能有效地控制患儿在局麻中的紧张和焦虑水平.



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