首页> 中文期刊>实用放射学杂志 >肺不典型腺瘤样增生的高分辨率CT表现




Objective To analyze high resolution CT(HRCT) features of pulmonary atypical adenomatous hyperplasia (AAH),in order to improve the imaging diagnosis of this disease. Methods HRCT features of AAH confirmed by pathology were retrospectiely analysed with lilerature review. 12 patients were all females with age ranging 40-54 years(mean,47 years). Results The lesions were all in the right lung with solitary nodules( 10 lesions in the right upper lung and others in the right lower). On HRCT, all lesions were like-round with pure ground-glass opacity, The size of the lesions ranged from 6.3 mm × 6.4 mm to 9.1 mm× 9.5 mm. The signs of lobulated,glitches and pleural hollow were not seen in any case. Conclusion AAH has certain HRCT characteristics,in combination with clinical data,the diagnosis of AAH can be improved.%目的 分析肺不典型腺瘤样增生(AAH)高分辨率CT(HRCT)表现,旨在提高AAH的 HRCT诊断认识.方法回顾性分析病理证实的12例AAH 的HRCT表现和复习文献.12例均为女性体检偶发,年龄40~54岁,平均47岁.结果 12例病变均为右肺淡薄单发结节影,10例位于右上肺,2例位于右下肺;HRCT上病灶均表现为类圆形的纯毛玻璃影,大小为6.3 mm×6.4 mm~9.1 mm×9.5 mm,边缘光整,未见分叶、毛刺和胸膜凹陷征,11例边界清晰,1例边界稍显模糊.结论 AAH的HRCT表现具有一定特征,仔细辨别其征象,再结合临床资料,就能提高AAH的诊断认识.



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