首页> 中文期刊> 《鄱阳湖学刊》 >生态文化视阈中的生态人格塑造与实现路径




党的十七大明确提出"建设生态文明"的战略要求,强调生态文明观念在全社会牢固树立。而生态文明是需要通过人来建设。所以,人自身的发展完善对于生态文明的转型就具有关键性的意义。新世纪的生态文明,是一种生态学意义上的高级文明形态,它所体现的是人与自然关系的价值体验与深层觉悟。在生态文化视域中,解决生态危机的根本出路之一就在于培养塑造生态人格,并由此引导主体自觉追求生态觉悟,树立生态道德观,倡导"绿色文明"的审美观与价值观。%The 17th Party Congress clearly states "ecological civilization" strategy and stresses the concept of ecological civilization firmly established in the whole society.Building ecological civilization needs people.Therefore,people's own development and improvement is of crucial significance for the transformation of ecological civilization.Ecological civilization of the new century is an advanced form of civilization in terms of the ecological significance,and it reflects value experience and deep consciousness about the relation between man and nature.From the perspective of ecological culture,one of the fundamental way to solve the ecological crisis is to shape ecological character,thus to guide the subject to pursue eco-consciousness,to establish ecological ethics,and to advocate aesthetics and values of "green civilization".



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