首页> 中文期刊> 《中共桂林市委党校学报》 >领导干部家风建设:净党内政治生态的关键切入点




家风与社风民风相连,影响着党风政风,家庭伦理秩序与政治生活秩序具有双向涵摄的关系,党内政治生态净化作为国家政治生活的核心,主体是"关键少数",与领导干部家风建设的密切相关净化党内政治生态,必须要以领导干部家风建设为切入点,通过调适领导干部的角色冲突、厘清家庭内外关系、细化从严治家制度,进而提升国家政治生活的整体质量.%The family tradition is connected with the general mood of society, which influences the political customs of the party. The family ethics order and the political life order have the mutual influence relationship. As the core of the national political life, the political ecological purification of the party is the "key minority", which is closely related to the construction of the leading cadres. It must take family tradition construction of leaders as the starting point to purify the party and political ecology and raise the overall quality of the country's political life through adjusting role conflict, clarifying the family internal and external relations, the refinement in stiff system, refining the system of strict governance.



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