首页> 中文期刊>中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版) >加拿大北极原住民自杀问题




加拿大北极地区原住民的自杀率是加拿大国家整体自杀率的十倍左右,加拿大北极原住民自杀率的走高趋势以及一波接一波的自杀潮极易造成社会恐慌,引发"多米诺骨牌效应",并带来劳动力减少以及男女比例不协调,进而使得加拿大北极地区经济发展动力不足,带来严重的社会问题.加拿大北极原住民在不同时期的自杀状况有着明显的阶段性特征,而近年来加拿大北极原住民的自杀问题愈益严重,也越来越引起国际社会的关注.严酷的自然地理环境因素决定了原住民社区必将面临各种社会问题的困扰、曾经遭受的历史创伤也引起了文化断层和传统流失继而导致族群认同危机、不完善的自杀防御机制和心理健康服务再加上其他诸如媒体的渲染、酒精和毒品的过量摄入等因素都是造成目前加拿大北极原住民自杀问题渐趋恶化的原因所在.%The suicide rate of Canadian A rctic indigenous people is about 10 times higher than that of Canada as a w hole.T he high suicide rate of Canadian A rctic aborigines and the w ave after w ave of suicides easily cause social panic ,trigger "domino effect",reduce the labor force and the imbalance of male and fe‐male ,and then make the economic development of Canadian A rctic region insufficient economic develop‐ment and bring serious social problems .T he suicide of Canadian A rctic aborigines in different periods has obvious periodical characteristics .In recent years ,the problem of suicide among Canadian A rctic aborigi‐nes has been getting w orse and has attracted more attention from the international community .Harsh nat‐ural geographical environment determines that the indigenous communities w ill face all kinds of social problems .The historical trauma they have suffered also leads to cultural interruption and loss of tradi‐tions ,w hich cause ethnic identity crisis .T he imperfect suicide defense mechanism and mental health serv‐ices ,as w ell as other factors such as media coverage and excessive intake of alcohol and drugs ,are the rea‐sons for the w orsening of the current Canadian A rctic aboriginal suicide problem .



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