首页> 中文期刊> 《护理学报》 >PICC专科护士临床相关能力评估量表的编制及信效度分析




Objective To establish and test the reliability and validity of Clinical Related Competency Scale for PICC Specialized Nurse. Methods The item pool was formulated through literature review and experts ’ advice. After the consultation from 19 experts through two-round Delphi method, the initial questionnaire was established and used to investigate 106 PICC specialized nurses from a comprehensive hospital through cluster sampling. Cronbach ’s α coefficient, split-half reliability, test-retest reliability, content validity and construct validity of the scale were analyzed. Results There were 4 dimensions and 25 items including interpersonal communication, education and scientific research, legal ethics and document record in the scale. Cronbach ’s α coefficient, split-half reliability and test-retest reliability of the scale was 0.998, 0.904 and 0.963 respectively. The content validity index universal agreement (S-CVI/UA) was 0.920 and content validity index average (S-CVI/Ave) 0.996. Four factors in exploratory factor analysis explained for 80.14% of the variances and each dimension was closely related with the total score of the scale. The correlation analysis indicated statistical significance (P<0.01). Conclusion Clinical Related Competency Scale for PICC Specialized Nurse has good reliability and validity, and it can be popularized to evaluate the core competency of PICC specialized nurses.%目的:编制PICC专科护士临床相关能力评估量表,并对该量表进行信效度检验。方法基于查阅国内外相关文献及PICC门诊专家讨论,形成条目池。应用德尔菲邀请19名PICC领域相关专家对PICC专科护士临床相关能力评估量表分别进行2轮专家咨询,完成初始量表编制。然后选取某三级甲等医院106名 PICC专科护士进行调查,利用收集数据对量表的Cronbach’sα信度系数、分半信度、重测信度、内容效度、结构效度进行检验。结果 PICC专科护士临床相关能力评估量表包括人际交流、教育科研、法律伦理、文书记录4个维度,共25个条目。该量表的Cronbach’sα信度系数为0.998,分半信度为0.904,重测信度为0.963。该量表的条目水平内容效度指数为0.947~1.000,全体一致性内容效度指数为0.920。结构效度,探索性因子分析中4个因子可解释的变异为80.14%。内部一致性信度,各维度与量表总分的相关系数均>0.800,呈密切相关,各维度与量表总分相关性分析结果均具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论 PICC专科护士临床相关能力评估量表具有良好的信度、效度,适合作为 PICC专科护士临床相关能力的测评工具。



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