首页> 中文期刊>西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >延安时期文化社团的马克思主义话语权建构




From the perspective of historical development,the achievements made by the Communist Party of China in constructing the ideological power of Marxist ideology in Yan'an is undoubtedly successful. In the era of revolutionary war,Yan'an cultural community,led by the Chinese Communist Party,took the political re-sponsibility and historical mission of building Marxist ideology discourse,and gradually reaching a political consensus through identity consciousness. As it assured the mass-centered orientation,highlighted the revo-lutionary distinctive characteristic and established the literary and artistic route,so as to correctly answer and solve the Marxist revolutionary ideology discourse mode -"for whom","what to say"and "how to say". Therefore,The Marxist discourse right was firmly engrained and political legitimacy of the Communist Party was intensified.%延安时期是中国共产党文化建设取得显著成就的重要历史阶段.在延安新文化建设的热潮中,文化社团异军突起,不仅承担起建构马克思主义话语权的政治责任和历史使命,而且逐步形成了以实现认同感为目标的政治共识,明确了以大众为中心的价值取向,彰显了以革命为主题的时代特色,确立了以文艺为载体的路径形态,进而正确回答和解决了马克思主义意识形态话语"为谁说""说什么"和"怎样说"等问题,为中国共产党在文化领域牢固树立马克思主义话语权的主导地位,赢得政治合法性发挥了重要作用.



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