首页> 中文期刊> 《西北林学院学报》 >杨树新杂种的SSR分析及鉴定




以2个杨树杂交新品种(编号分别为:02-9-22,02-12-29)及其亲本和毛白杨无性系30号为材料,从36对SSR引物中筛选出在杂交新品种双亲之间多态性明显、重复性比较好的12对引物,用于杨树的遗传变异分析.共扩增出125个DNA片段,其中111个片段呈现多态性,占总扩增片段的88.8%,片段大小介于80~1 000 bp之间.基因型间的平均遗传相似系数为0.445 9.聚类分析结果表明,杂交种与亲本的亲缘关系较近,与毛白杨30号的亲缘关系较远.选用3对引物构建5个杨树品种的指纹图谱,在该图谱中,每个品种都有自身独特的片段.%Analysis of genetic variations was carried out by using genomic DNA of two new Populus hybrid cultivars (Code:02-9-22 and 02-12-29) and their parents as materials, and simple sequence repeat (SSR) molecular technology was adopted. Populus tomentosa 30 was used as control. Among 36 pairs of SSR primers, 12 pairs of primers which presented apparent polymorphism between the parents were determined to analyze genetic diversity for Populus cultivars. Fragments of 125 DNA were amplified, of which 111 were polymorphic (accounting for 88. 8% of the total). Fragment size ranged from 80 to 1 000 bp. The average genetic similarity between the genotypes of the cultivars was 0. 445 9. Cluster analysis showed that high similarity coefficient existed between new Populus hybrid cultivars and their parents. However, low similarity coefficients were found between the two hybrids and P. Tomentosa 30. Three pairs of primers were selected to construct DNA fingerprints of 5 Populus cultivars. In this fingerprint, every cultivar had special fragment.



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