首页> 中文期刊> 《宁波职业技术学院学报》 >唐代状元颜标生平事迹考补




the Tang Dynasty scholar Yan standard, has been considered by the examiner "delayed", relevant information about. This article through the newly discovered several data of Yan subject's life story was supplemented with modified. Colour standard for Henan County, although poor people, but also not civilians; although be "delayed", also has quite as; he promoted rapidly, served as a censor, moving on, Chizhou Jiedushi and Chizhou CI Shi Lang, Rao Zhou Jiedushi and Rao Zhouci Shi. Yu Dazhong ten years (856 years) to marry the stately Yazzie Bing Lou S as his wife, his wife died, own epitaph. Dry at five years (878 years) in February in the Huang Chao uprising army stormed in to Rao, the city fell dead.%唐代状元颜标,一向被认为是被主考官"误点"的,相关资料甚少。通过新找到的几条资料对颜标的生平事迹进行了补充与修正。颜标为河南县人,虽然寒素,但也不是平民;虽为"误点",却颇有作为;他升迁较快,曾任侍御史、朝议郎、池州节度使兼池州刺史、饶州节度使兼饶州刺史等职。于大中十年(856年)娶家世显赫的阳平路氏为妻,妻亡,亲写亲书墓志铭。乾符五年(878年)二月在黄巢起义军的猛攻下中坚守饶州,城陷死之。



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