首页> 中文期刊> 《内江师范学院学报》 >徐迟诗歌地理意象呈现的三种形态--以三十年代诗歌为例




There existed three expressive ways of geographical images in XU Chi’s poems of 1920s,especially of 1930s:the self-centered plane observation of natural geography which led to the geographical images in plane form,the stereoscopic observation of China,world and unverse which contributed to the three-dimensional form of the geographical images,the deep observation of his hometown,towns and world which resulted in the symbolic form of such images.The connotation and artis-tic expression of the poems in plane form are not so deep.While those in stereoscopic form can impress people with the vast images and multi-space of imagination.And the poems in symbolic form may often give people vast poetic and beautiful space and the endless aftertastes.Such three expressive means in his poems did not exist absolutely.They are often interwoven.We can find XU’s poetic composition was not stable,but in constant exploration around the geographical images.%徐迟20实际30年代的诗歌中的地理意象存在三种形态,即以自我为中心对自然地理的平面观察,因而诗中的地理意象以平面形态出现;以对中国、世界与宇宙三位一体空间的立体观察,因而诗中的地理意象以立体形态出现;以对故乡、都市与世界等地理的深度观察,因而诗中的地理意象以象征形态出现。处于平面形态的诗歌,其内在的意蕴及其艺术的表现缺乏深度;进入立体形态的诗歌,往往能够给人以开阔的意境与多重想象的空间;进入象征形态的诗歌,往往能够给人高远的诗美空间,令人回味无穷。三种形态在其诗歌之中,并不是绝对的呈现,往往有所交叉与渗透。以地理意象作为视点,会发现徐迟的诗歌写作并不稳定,而是时刻处于不断探索之中。



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