首页> 中文期刊> 《南通职业大学学报》 >多彩太阳电池的制备及性能研究




The nitride deposition process and electrical performance of the solar cell in different color was studied. The experiments show that the refraction of the anti reflective layer increased slowly with the deposi-tion pressure. But when the deposition pressure is over 1 800 mTorr,the refraction increasing rate increases rapidly. The Uoc increases firstly then decreases with the coating time increasing. When deposition time reaches 550 s, Uoc peaks its value. When the deposition time reaches 650 s, Isc value peaks. Therefore, for the solar cell module having a decorative function, it needs parallel design to achieve the best efficiency of as-sembly.%研究了不同颜色太阳电池的制备工艺和电学性能。实验表明,随着镀膜压强的增加,减反射层的折射率缓慢增加,当压强超过1800 mTorr时,折射率的增幅变大;随着镀膜时间的增加,太阳电池的开路电压Uoc先增大后减小,当淀积时间为550 s时,Uoc达到最大值;短路电流Isc随淀积时间的变化趋势与Uoc相同,当淀积时间为650 s时,Isc达到最大。因此,对于具有装饰功能的太阳能电池组件采用并联的方式进行设计可达到最佳组件效率。



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