首页> 中文期刊> 《南通职业大学学报》 >吴文化遗产旅游开发模式研究




原真性的、科学的、合理的旅游发展可以在更大层面上促进吴文化遗产的保护。文章以“珍惜资源、保护生态、科学旅游、继承发展”为主题,以吴文化中心所在地(苏锡常地区)的文化旅游发展为研究对象,以吴文化遗产保护及旅游产业开发的现状为基础,探讨了吴文化遗产的可持续发展之路,并提出了体验导向和联合开发型旅游模式,这两种模式在吴文化旅游产业开发中具有一定的独特性、先进性和普适性。%The development of Wu tourism is an open system which has strong territoriality and dynamic na-ture. Natural, scientific and reasonable development of tourism can help protect the Wu heritage in more as-pects. Centering on “resource cherishing, ecological protection, scientific tourism and inheritance develop-ment”, the author discusses the sustainable development of Wu heritage based on the studying of the cultural tourism in the center of Wu culture (Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou), the current situation of heritage protection and tourism exploitation. Besides, the author puts forward the experience-guided mode and joint development mode which are, to some extent, unique, advanced and universal in the development of Wu cultural tourism.



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