首页> 中文期刊>南通大学学报(自然科学版) >小鼠肝肿瘤激光间质热疗损伤区域MRI研究




为了更好地选择用于治疗肝肿瘤的激光间质热疗剂量,通过体外培养肝肿瘤细胞H22,建立小鼠皮下移植肝肿瘤模型,采用4组功率(1.2/1.4/1.9/2.1 W)激光在相同加热时间(600 s)下进行肿瘤激光热疗,并于术前、术后进行磁共振扫描,观察小鼠肝肿瘤经热疗后的损伤区域磁共振成像(MRI)的变化情况.结果表明:激光热疗过程中肿瘤组织加热中心的温度随加热时间的延长而上升,且激光功率越大,温度上升幅度越大;4组功率热疗后,肿瘤内部均呈现明显的凝固坏死区域,肿瘤内部损伤区域大小和位置在MRI图中清晰可辨,与周围未发生损伤的组织边界明显;1.2/1.4/1.9 W组损伤区域较小,2.1 W组损伤区域明显较其他3组大.研究发现:不同激光功率下激光间质热疗对小鼠肝肿瘤均有治疗效果,2.1 W组效果明显;MRI对热疗损伤区域的变化情况有理想的评估价值.%The Objective of this paper is to observe the damage zone of mice liver tumor by laser induced interstitial thermotherapy of different laser powers.The liver tumor cells H22 are cultivated in vitro to build the subcutaneous liver tumors models.Four kinds of laser(power of 1.2,1.4,1.9,and 2.1 W respectively) are preformed during the same times(600 s).MR scanning is taken before and after the laser thermotherapy to evaluate the thermal damage zone.The Results shows that the size,position and the border line of the tumor's damage zone are clearly identified by MR images,and the size of the damage zone displayed by 1.2/1.4/1.9 W laser is smaller than the 2.1 W laser.The research suggests that all the four kinds of laser thermotherapy are effective for mice liver tumor,especially the 2.1 W laser,and MR images is an ideal evaluation of the thermal damage zone



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