首页> 中文期刊>南京工业大学学报(社会科学版) >“政治机会结构”视角下的中国环境运动及其战略选择




从环境政治学的“政治机会结构”视角来说,中国的环境社会组织及其活动精英正面临着前所未有的有利性“政治机会环境”。大众性环境社会抗争的成功案例和国家制度性渠道的渐趋开放,从理论上说为其展现了比20世纪90年代初宽阔得多的政治成长/参与空间。但在实践层面上,这种“政治机会结构”却呈现为一种似乎难以消化的“政治挑战”。绝大多数民间草根性环保社团(对于大量的政府依赖型环境NGO来说更多只是一种资源渠道拓展问题,不具有太多的社会学/政治学意涵)似乎既不太确信这样一种政治机会环境的真实出现,也没有做好相应的心理准备,因而没有选择主动加入或引领近年来明显增加增强的大众性环境社会抗争或“环境集体抗议事件”,而是采取了一种观望甚至“主动划清界限”的心态与立场。结果是,这种战略选择在遭到日益激烈的媒体与社会责难的同时,进一步加剧了环保组织的“转型迷茫”、“策略窘境”和“合作困境”。%From the perspective of "political opportunity structure" in the theory of Environmental Politics, China's environmental and social organizations and their activities are facing an unprecedented favorable political opportunity context. Theoretically, most successful cases of public environmental and social protest and increasing access to national institutional channels have indicated a much healthier space for political growth and participation, compared with that in the early 1990s. But in practical senses, the " political opportunity structure" is composing a "political challenge" hard to digest. The vast majority of folk environmental groups, which constitutes a resource channel expansion problem to a large number of government-dependent environment or NGO, not much of sociological or political implication, seems neither convinced of the appearance of a real political opportunity context, nor prepared psychologically for its coming. Thus they don't choose to take the initiatives in joining or leading the more intense social conflicts or collective "environmental protests" in recent years. Instead, they take a wait-and-see or "not-in-my-baekyard" stance. The result is that such strategic choice has met with mounting social and media censures, which further aggravates the "transition confuse", "policy dilemma" , and "cooperation plight" of the environmental organizations.



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